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A securities brokerage is a firm trading stocks and bonds on behalf of its clients. It employs brokers authorized to buy and sell securities based on clients’ orders. Firms providing financial advice to clients charge more, while those which only execute clients’ orders offer a discount service.
1. Full-Service Securities Brokers
A full-service securities brokerage firm is a company that executes securities trades for its clients and also provides an array of supporting financial services. These additional services may include the provision of market research, retirement planning and tax advice. Because full-service brokers provide comprehensive securities brokerage services, they usually charge higher fees or commissions.
If you want to leave your investments to professionals altogether, these are the best types of brokers for you. However, you should prepare to pay charges for their tailored services.
2. Discount Securities Brokers
A discount securities brokerage firm executes trades on behalf of its clients but does not provide other types of financial services. As a result of their limited offerings, discount brokers tend to cost less. And their charges are usually in the form of a salary instead of a commission.
3. Online Brokers
Online brokerage firms enable investors to trade online with no face-to-face meetings. If you opt for online brokerage services, you do not need to phone your broker or trust them to decide for you. You can execute your trades while managing multiple positions if you like.
Since online brokers do not need huge brick-and-mortar offices, their fees tend to be lower. So, if you want greater control over your investment decisions while paying fewer fees, consider online brokerage firms.
4. Robo-Advisors
Robo-advisors are automated online investment platforms that utilize computer algorithms to pick assets and manage investment portfolios on behalf of their clients. These tend to mainly include ETFs and index funds.
Due to their automated asset selections, which depend on the answers you provide in a questionnaire, these are suitable for new investors or those who prefer a hands-off approach.
You should consider robo-advisors if you have little money and do not want to pay too much to invest it. That is because the automated platforms tend to accept lower minimum deposits while charging less for their services.
5. Broker-Dealers
Broker-dealers not only execute trades on behalf of their clients but also on their own behalf. Some work as discount brokers, while others fall under the full-service broker category.